Django workshop #1 – Python web development – Intro Django tutorial 15. 11. 2014. 17h @ FTN classroom 203

Django – Python web framework

Requirements: bring your laptop, extension cables, novice level of
FAQ: It’s not required to know python.

Python is pretty much a mature programming language. It’s used in large
variety of tasks like user applications, science, a scripting laguage
and in web development. In this workshop we’ll present you the Django, a
Python framework for web applications. Django isn’t a CMS, blog engine
or wiki. Django is a set of libraries and tools which will help you to
build a web application, web service or simply a web site by your
personal preference.

Django is a FLOSS project, developed by the community and the source
code is of course available. If you’re not sure if you will like it or
you don’t believe us that it’s worth considering, here’s few interesting

– Integrated ORM (object-relational mapper)
– Well developed MVC
– Jinja like template engine
– Integrated support for testing
– Auto-generated admin interface
– Support for validating and generating HTML forms from data models
– DB scheme migration based on changes in data models
– Internationalization
– Built-in dev web server

It’s the Python. What else? (:

The idea is that in the first Django workshop we introduce you to Django
through standard tutorial and begin a talk on deployment Python based
web projects to a production server. We hope you will like Django and
Python, and that you will find nice use for it and then that you will
share those experiences with us in some future events.lugons

Linux Install Day -> Saturday, 11th October 2014. from 10:00 to 16:00 hour

Installation and setup Linux by members of LUGoNS

Where, what, who?
Linux Install Day will be held on Saturday , 11th October 2014 . from 10.00-16.00pm at the Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN) in Novi Sad. The idea is to help you to install Linux. For those who choose that we install Linux for them, they will receive from us installation DVD or CD, if we have them in stock.

Why are we doing this?
Many times people have asked us why we wanted to donate some knowledge, and then to resolve the mystery. We are not masochists who like to charge their work. Simply, if you want to do, (I mean business and jobs under Linux) we have to show people that this operating system is not a chore. The more of us there Linux users, the greater the chances for a job in a Linux environment. Another reason is that it is nice to help, such as people and helped us to stand on our feet with Linux.

What to bring?
First, take the good will and patience! Since there will be relatively few members LUGoNS, we can not guarantee that your machine will be taken care first. There are just few technical requests:

  • First, If you make a desktop computer, carry case, monitor, keyboard, mouse and all cables
  • Second ,on your computer, make sure to / leave a blank, unformatted partition of at least 10GB



Faculty of Techical Sciences
Dositeja Obradovića Square 6
21000 Novi Sad
classroom L1


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Call for Volunteers – BalCCon2k14


BalCCon ( has been organized by the community and appreciates all kinds of participation. 
You were encouraged to contribute to this event by volunteering.

The Congress would not be possible without many people donating their time bringing the Congress to life and dealing with all 
the side effects of bringing hundreds of hackers together in a congress centre.

The congress heavily relies on your help! Please consider volunteering at BalCCon2k14. 
You can sign up by submitting an email at jelena (at)
Email subject should be:Volunteer BalCCon2k14
Email Body:
 Personal Information:
 Volunteer Name (nickname):
 Email ID:
 Contact Number:
 T-shirt size:
 Volunteer Profile: (max 1000 words)

Application deadline: 25th August 2014.
A big thank you for applying for volunteering at BalCCon2k14.

OpenStreetMap Workshop №2 – 12th July from 15.00pm



Free Map of The World

We invite you to the second OpenStreetMap workshop. Workshop is organized in cooperation with the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Technical Sciences.

OpenStreetMap is a map of the world which is free to change. Made by people like you. OpenStreetMap is an international project aimed for creating and using free geographic data. The project allows the use of data collected by the community, that in the world, currently has over one million active users. The idea is to eventually create a free map of the world, which will be available to everyone. OSM ( OpenStreetMap ) is a free map of the world which can be edited by anyone. All collected data is available and licensed under the Open Database License 1.0 ( Odlb ) .

If everyone would just mapped its city, neighbourhood or street soon we will mapped the whole world. It is an idea that has emerged from OpenStreetMap project. The workshop will be doing data mapping and data entry on the map using the JOSM application.


Time of event :

07/12/2014 from 15.00pm


FTN – New space – Park City
Narodnog Fronta 21b
21000 Novi Sad

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New Hardware on Old computers – New Location, New Date 07.06.2014.


Association  Once Upon a Byte, Department of Applied Computer Science Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Geography, Tourism and Hotel Management, Faculty of Science and LUGoNS invite you to visit the exhibition “New hardware on old computers” in the Night of the Museums in 2014. Old home computers from 80’s of last century and the new hardware that was made for them in the past few year will be shown on exhibition.

Night of the Museums 2014 , 7th June 2014
The exhibition will be in the Zepter bank building, Grčkoškolska 2.

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VCFe (Vintage Computer Festival Europa) 15

VCFe (Vintage Computer Festival Europa) 15 –

The 15th annual European Vintage Computer Festival on May 3rd and 4th 2014 awaits you!

Our mission is to encourage the preservation of obsolete computer hard- and software of years past, to promote interest in researching and documenting the history of the computer age … and to have fun playing with old iron.

The Vintage Computer Festival is not only a fixed entry in the Silicon Valley timetable, but it has also become a European event, celebrating our computer heritage.

Let us return to those thrilling days of yesteryear, when geeks were geeks and floppies were really floppy.

Fifty people, no less than 30 years old with smiles on their faces,  conclude where you will place your pet. It’s not about Linux / Geeks / hacker / nerds, but lovers of old, retro machine.

Today we are in a local gym, which includes a shooting range and whatever spaces for social activities, known as hanging live, setting the table, conducted electricity, beautiful table linen and watched it slowly installed machine whose names are quiet, pronounced with respect: Commodore PET, HP business calculator, Atari Portfolio magic word that brings back memories of a nice period where everything was new and where you have to know how what he’s doing, no icons, and horror of horrors: no mouse!

For now, many of the teams LUGoNS Munich abteilung Continued department which would Lala say!

Linux Install Day -> Saturday, 29th March 2014. from 11:00 to 16:00 hour

Installation and setup Linux by members of LUGoNS

Where, what, who?
Linux Install Day will be held on Saturday , 29th March 2014 .  from 11.00-16.00pm  at the Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTN) in Novi Sad.  The idea is to help you to install Linux. For those who choose that we install Linux for them, they will receive from us installation DVD or CD, if we have them in stock.

Why are we doing this?
Many times people have asked us why we wanted to donate some knowledge, and then to resolve the mystery. We are not masochists who like to charge their work. Simply, if you want to do, (I mean business and jobs under Linux) we have to show people that this operating system is not a chore. The more of us there Linux users, the greater the chances for a job in a Linux environment. Another reason is that it is nice to help, such as people and helped us to stand on our feet with Linux.

What to bring?
First, take the good will and patience! Since there will be relatively few members LUGoNS, we can not guarantee that your machine will be taken care first. There are just  few technical requests:

  • First, If you make a desktop computer, carry case, monitor, keyboard, mouse and all cables
  • Second ,on your computer, make sure to / leave a blank, unformatted partition of at least 10GB



Faculty of Techical Sciences
Dositeja Obradovića Square 6
21000 Novi Sad
classroom No. 207 (second floor)


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OpenStreetMap Workshop



Free Map of The World

We invite you to the first OpenStreetMap workshop.Workshop is organized in cooperation with the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Technical Sciences .

OpenStreetMap is a map of the world which is free to change. Made by people like you. OpenStreetMap is an international project aimed for creating and using free geographic data. The project allows the use of data collected by the community, that in the world, currently has over one million active users. The idea is to eventually create a free map of the world, which will be available to everyone. OSM ( OpenStreetMap ) is a free map of the world which can be edited by anyone. All collected data is available and licensed under the Open Database License 1.0 ( Odlb ) .

If everyone would just mapped its city, neighbourhood or street soon we will mapped the whole world. It is an idea that has emerged from OpenStreetMap project. The workshop will be doing data mapping and data entry on the map using the JOSM application.


Time of event :

03/22/2014 from 15.00pm


FTN – New space – Park City
Narodnog Fronta 21b
21000 Novi Sad

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Call for Papers for 2nd Balkan Computer Congress – BalCCon2k14



Call for Papers for 2nd Balkan Computer Congress – BalCCon2k14
05|06|07 September 2014, Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia, Europe, Earth, Milky Way

The Event:

Balkan Computer Congress has been conceptualized as a three days gathering of the international hacker community in the organization of LUGoNS – Linux Users Group of Novi Sad. The first part of the program has been envisaged to be a set of presentations, workshops and lectures on the current topics regarding privacy, technology, software development, free software & socio-political issues. Hands-on projects and hacking have been planned for the second part of the program. We admire and tend to find a role model in the large scale conferences such as Chaos Communication Congress, organized by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC).

The Location:
Novi Sad is the centre of Vojvodina, northern province of Serbia, famous for its multicultural history and active artistic and technological scene (e.g. music festival Exit and digital-media event Share). With a prestige night life combined with the warm and welcoming character, Novi Sad offers inexpensive prices for lodging and dining, compared to the neighboring EU. If you’re in Novi Sad, or somewhere in the neighborhood,  during these dates, this is the place you want to be!

Our Goal:
Our goal is to gather all the communities from the region, continent and the World in an effort to hack, play, learn, pass knowledge and exchange experience. BalCCon aims to become the central hacker community in South East Balkan, as well as to provide the opportunity for all the people in this part of Europe to connect and to cooperate.

Having said that, we would like to invite you to make and send us proposals for talks, lectures and workshops on all topics of relevance. As a suggestion, we would love to see things about:

  • Free Software
  • Electronics & Microcontrollers – things like Arduino’s, ARM, RaspberryPi, etc
  • Hardware / Embedded Reverse Engineering
  • Mobile Communications (LTE/3G/GPRS/HSDPA etc)
  • RFiD, Bluetooth and NFC
  • Network Security
  • Software Security
  • Programming Languages
  • Hardware security & lockpicking
  • Next Generation Application Development
  • Cryptography, Cryptanalysis and Crypto-politics
  • Social Engineering
  • Robotics – humanoid, football playing, autonomous vehicles, (armed) drones
  • Forensics and Anti-Forensics
  • Clouds – hacking, breaking, unexpected usage
  • Future or No Future of IT Security – state of fail, new concepts and methods, implications for society and infrastructure
  • Net and Device Neutrality – ownership, censorship, circumvention and the politics of de-facto standards, search engine politics
  • Revolutions and Hacktivism
  • Transparency and Participation in Politics and Governance
  • Copyright and Patents – the war on file-sharing, alternatives to the current system

Submission Guidelines

For Talks, Lectures and Workshops:
Please submit a meaningful and complete description which will give us an insight on the key points of your presentation. We prefer quality over quantity, which will be evaluated based on the proposal you send us. Also, have in mind that other people might submit a talk on the same topic, so give us a reason to consider your presentation unique. Feel free to include some facts about yourself and the things that motivate you. It is not necessary for your talk to be the first of its kind, it may have been presented at other conferences, however please make sure that its content is up to date.

We will also consider new and first time presenters, so that anyone can get his/her foot in the door. Don’t be shy, just say “It’s one of my first conf submission”, and we’ll be kind.

Lectures should not exceed 45 minutes, plus up to 15 minutes for Q&A. Longer time slots are possible if we feel the topic demands it (please tell us if necessary). Please indicate the length of your presentation clearly on your submission.

Language of the Presentation:
BalCCon is an international congress, therefore your submissions should be in English. It is expected that we will have participants from all over the World, so it is important to have a common language.

Travel Expenses:
The Balkan Computer Congress is a non-profit oriented event and speakers are not paid. However, financial help on accommodation may be possible, within our means, for all accepted submissions. Don’t be shy and state your requirements in the application when submitting your proposal.

How to Submit?
Please follow the instructions below. If you have any questions regarding your submission, feel free to contact us at cfp at

By Email:
Email your submission to: cfp at
Email subject should be: CFP BalCCon2k14 – Paper Title
Email Body:
Personal Information:
Speaker Name:
Company/Organization (optional):
Contact Number (optional):
Speaker Profile: (max 1000 words)(optional)
Presentation Details:
Name/Title of the Presentation:
Paper Abstract: (max 3000 words)
Presentation Time Required (20, 30, 50 Minutes)
Is there any demonstration? Yes or No

Other Needs & Requirements:
Do you need any special equipment?
If you have any other requirements, please mention it here and the reason.

All submissions will be reviewed by our Program Committee. Authors will be notified upon acceptance of their talk.

Dates and Deadlines:

  • July 1st, 2014 (23:59 UTC): Submission deadline
  • July 15th, 2014: Final notification of acceptance
  • September 5th – 7th, 2014: BalCCon – Balkan Computer Congress

All submissions will be judged equally, disregarding race and gender. Organizers reserve the right to make changes to the event program or disregard any proposal if found inappropriate for this congress.

LUGoNS members on Hack’n’Play in Freiburg, Germany

Once-Upon-a-Byte_reference LUGoNS members will participate on second Hack’n’Play in Freiburg, Germany, from 23/02 to 25/02/2014. On Saturday 24/02/2014 starting at 19:00 o’clock Žarko Živanov – Žare, a longtime member of LUGoNS’s, will give a lecture – Yugoslav home computer -Yugoslavian home computers of the 80’s: In 1984, first Yugoslavian home computers appeared and started a revolution in home computing.

LUGoNS members will also use this opportunity to promote BalCCon2k14, which will be held from 05.09 to 09.07.2014. in Novi Sad.

More about the event and what will happening in Freiburg you can find on link